Chilton Dean home

After stealing from Montgomery's best
These robbers tried to avoid arrest
To this house they ran away
Their ghosts might be there to this day
     The next historical marker I feel like going to is the Chilton Dean home. I typed in the date 1854 that was when Thomas Chilton built his first home. My horse galloped faster and faster. Then, what felt like an hour later although it was only a second I found my self in early Montgomery. I was standing in front of a white bricked house. Around that was a white picket fence.

     Thomas Chilton was a Pastor at the old Baptist church. His house was built in 1854 He lived there until he died. In the 1880s David dean purchased the home and he put up a white picket fence around it. He got the wood at his mill. The wood is Heart pine.
     In 1863 a gang called the Jessie James gang were trying to avoid arrest and Bob Oliver, a member of the gang stole a horse from the Cartwrights. they followed the gang to the Chilton deans house that was Bobs mothers home. There they had a shootout. The Cartwrights said they would not shoot him if he came out instead they stabbed him with a Bowie Knife.

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