First State Bank

Most people believed their money was safe
Until 1929
After that the Great Depression
was not that far behind

     In 1906 one of the first state banks was built in Montgomery. In 1908 the bank was moved into a brick building. There were not many other banks in Texas. The bank usually only served small farmers. The bank was robbed three times. one time the bank's safe was stolen but no money was taken. There are still marks from robberies to this day. Some of the marks are from dynamite blasts. The others were from gun shots.
     The banks manager made about $125 per month. the most the bank was ever worth was about 191,000. The stock market crashed in 1929 during the great depression. As a factor of that the bank was only worth about $18,233.50. In 1934 the bank was voluntarily liquidated.

     The bank is now a Petz-Eatz-Treatz and boutique owned by Geral and Susan Fauss. It is located at 211 liberty street.

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