Old Baptist and Methodist Churches

These two sit side by side
And monitor the people
Although different they are the same
Complete with a Steeple.

     Today is Sunday when I go to church. On my way there we passed two churches, a Baptist and Methodist church. In my time machine I put in the date, 1838, into my time machine. That was when the old Methodist church was built. One again my time machine starting galloping at uncontrollable speeds. Half of a second later I found myself in early Montgomery. The church had a semicircle staircase leading up to it. There was also stained glass and a steeple on top. There were so many people lined up outside trying to get in I hope the church can hold them all.

    The old Methodist church was established in 1838, by Isaac Strickland. Isaac Strickland established the church under direction of Elder Littleton Fowler. In the old cemetery next to the church, Four early circuit riders were buried. Two more sanctuaries were built in 1852 and 1908. The church is located at, 309 Pond and now it is a wedding chapel.

     In 1850 the Old Baptist church was built. It was a built by a group of Baptists in Montgomery.  In the year, 1853 the church had it's first full time pastor. His name was, Thomas Chilton. Although the church was always used, construction was never totally done until 1902. It was used as a church for the next 77 years. It is located right next to the Old Methodist church.

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