Nathaniel Hart Davis House

The museum is a clue you gave us
The man who lived there was named Davis
He lingered service and logs he was paid
Two babies are buried near his homestead
Search for the resting place of these young dead.

     The next place I feel like going through is the Nathaniel Hart Davis house. I put in moving date night 1851 that was when Davis' first child died. Then, my time machine started galloping at the speed of a freight train. When I open my eyes, I was standing in front of a wooden white house, and a law office on a big plot of land.

     Nathaniel Hart Davis had two children die not long after birth. Both of them were buried in his yard. The first one died in 1851 the other in 1854. The first child was named, Nathaniel Hart Davis Jr.     The other child was unnamed.

     Nathaniel Davis was a lawyer. He was very well known in Montgomery. He even became mayor. Nathaniel was paid in logs instead of money. That is how he built his first home. Then, he became a judge, and made a lot of money. He later moved into the oaks.  His house is now a museum open to anyone.

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