Thursday, March 26, 2015

community center

Find the center of our hometown
Many markers may be found
Or you could end in jail
Also, there is a goat with a pail
Visit him by the well.

     Today there was a big event going on at the Community Center, it looked like a birthday party. I then started wondering about the past and how this came to be. As soon as I got off my bus I raced home. I put the date 1837 into my time machine. That is the date the Community was founded. My time machine went faster than ever. That must because this was the earliest, that I have ever gone back in time. I did not think I was going to be able to hang on forever. As I was about to fall off I found myself in front of a plain white building, a jail and a community well.

     The Community Center was founded in 1827 by W. W. Shepherd. When he announced the community center, he said,"Tis is where the town of Montgomery site marker is located."

     In 1906, a random goat showed up by the well. No one knew who the goat belonged to or why it showed up. The goat went up to the well and stood there until someone gave him water. There is now a statue of the goat by the well. 
     On April 26, 1987,  Montgomery buried a time capsule. The capsule is not to be opened until April 26, 2037. That marks the 150th anniversary of Montgomery.

The Goat

Town Jail

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