Thursday, March 26, 2015


Dec 1, 2015
     I remember it so clearly, the day I went on a big adventure the biggest one of my life. It all started after school when I came home thinking about my major history project. Before I could get started on it, my dad asked me to put up Christmas decorations. It was my first time going into the attic of my new house. It was very scary up in the attic. The previous owner of the house left some old boxes and antiques. One thing caught my eye in  the back of the attic. It looked like an old antique mechanical horse. On the machine it read pay one penny and put in date. I decide to try it out even though I did not know for sure what it was so I reached into my pocket and pulled out a penny I paid and put in the fist date that came to my mind,1906.when the first state bank of Montgomery was robbed for the first of three times. I hopped on the horse and there was a big flash of light. A second later I found myself in Montgomery, but not the Montgomery I know. Nothing I new was there. There were no cars, big houses or billboards. There was only a few cowboys walking around. Then, I heard an explosion that sounded like dynamite. I saw a criminal come running down the street, coming from the state bank. Behind him were police dressed in old uniforms. That is when I realized... I was not riding a normal mechanical horse, It was actually a time machine. This was not 2015 it was 1906, and I was witnessing the first state bank being robbed.

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