Thursday, March 26, 2015

Montgomery Settlement History

     There are two different types of the settlement of Montgomery. One is the Oral history passed down from generation to generation. The other is a report written by Kameron Searle.

     Kameron believed that Montgomery was developed in two phases, Old Town on the Hill, also called Town creek, the other was New Town Under the Hill. In 1836, some citizens from Washington County petitioned to the Republic of Texas that a new county should be called, Travis County. That did not pass. A few years later W.W. shepherd founded Montgomery. Instead of the county being called Travis county it was called Montgomery County, five months later.

     The Oral history is different. Back in 1823 Montgomery was originally a trading post made by Andrew J. Montgomery. The trading post was the center of a lot of farming and ranching After the first school was built many new expensive started being built. that all mostly started in 1837 when an advertisement came around and all records became/remained the seat of justice until 1839 when records were moved to Conroe.

     The Oral history sounds more believable because Andrew J. Montgomery is who you would expect to the founder of Montgomery, than W.W. Shepherd. Although Kameron got his information from a primary source, It does not sound completely correct. 

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