Thursday, March 26, 2015

Memory park

Take a stroll around a park.
Go in daytime-not after dark.
Sit and share a "Memory"
Their names are there to see.

     I love going to the library and I love getting many books. But, I never have a good place to read the books. Fortunately for me Memory Park is by the library. I put the date June, 2008 into my time machine. That was when the park was built. I started going really fast on my time machine. But, It was not as fast as usual. I am not going back in time very far compared to every other time. Again I landed in early Montgomery. The park was beautiful It felt like a went back in time millions of years ago.

     Memory Park is located behind the library. The park was created by the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe, and other small organizations in Montgomery County. The parks total cost was over $935,000 in donations.

     Memory Park has a few various statues, such as the buffalo or the Honor Flight Eagle dedicated to local Veterans. Many of the plants and animals are dedicated to local family members.

     With everyone's donations contributions the park continues to grow. The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe want to keep it growing and hopefully start phase two of there plans for the park. It is located next to Fenland Park. 




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