Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cover page

Time Traveling Through the History of Montgomery

Brandon Pruter

Mrs. Oliver 



Dec 1, 2015
     I remember it so clearly, the day I went on a big adventure the biggest one of my life. It all started after school when I came home thinking about my major history project. Before I could get started on it, my dad asked me to put up Christmas decorations. It was my first time going into the attic of my new house. It was very scary up in the attic. The previous owner of the house left some old boxes and antiques. One thing caught my eye in  the back of the attic. It looked like an old antique mechanical horse. On the machine it read pay one penny and put in date. I decide to try it out even though I did not know for sure what it was so I reached into my pocket and pulled out a penny I paid and put in the fist date that came to my mind,1906.when the first state bank of Montgomery was robbed for the first of three times. I hopped on the horse and there was a big flash of light. A second later I found myself in Montgomery, but not the Montgomery I know. Nothing I new was there. There were no cars, big houses or billboards. There was only a few cowboys walking around. Then, I heard an explosion that sounded like dynamite. I saw a criminal come running down the street, coming from the state bank. Behind him were police dressed in old uniforms. That is when I realized... I was not riding a normal mechanical horse, It was actually a time machine. This was not 2015 it was 1906, and I was witnessing the first state bank being robbed.

Montgomery Settlement History

     There are two different types of the settlement of Montgomery. One is the Oral history passed down from generation to generation. The other is a report written by Kameron Searle.

     Kameron believed that Montgomery was developed in two phases, Old Town on the Hill, also called Town creek, the other was New Town Under the Hill. In 1836, some citizens from Washington County petitioned to the Republic of Texas that a new county should be called, Travis County. That did not pass. A few years later W.W. shepherd founded Montgomery. Instead of the county being called Travis county it was called Montgomery County, five months later.

     The Oral history is different. Back in 1823 Montgomery was originally a trading post made by Andrew J. Montgomery. The trading post was the center of a lot of farming and ranching After the first school was built many new expensive started being built. that all mostly started in 1837 when an advertisement came around and all records became/remained the seat of justice until 1839 when records were moved to Conroe.

     The Oral history sounds more believable because Andrew J. Montgomery is who you would expect to the founder of Montgomery, than W.W. Shepherd. Although Kameron got his information from a primary source, It does not sound completely correct. 


What is your first and last name and how long have you lived in Montgomery?
I am, Eva Raines, and I have lived in Montgomery for 16 years.

Have you lived anywhere else besides Montgomery?
I lived Georgia most of my life

What are some of your earliest memories of Montgomery?
There was no WalMart, hardware store or library.

What are some of the biggest changes in Montgomery?
The buildings and Houses are being built everywhere.  

What are the reasons for the biggest changes you have noticed?
The growth is a big reason. People want to get away from all the hustle in Houston.

What do you like most about Montgomery?
I love how because this the only library in Montgomery and everyone recognizes me.

Do you have family in Montgomery?
Yes. My family dates back to 1832. They lived in Angelino county before Texas was a state.

Do you have ideas on how people can involved in Montgomery?
Join the Montgomery Historical Society.

What are your favorite restraunts in Montgomery?
Pizza shack, Phil's Roadhouse, Old Montgomery Steakhouse.

What are your favorite activities in Montgomery?
The Texian Herritage Festival at Fernland park.

What are your favorite things about Montgomery?
When a new place is built it has to look old.

Do you ever plan on living anywhere else?
Only if I was the only one in my family in Texas.

First State Bank

In 1906 one of the first state banks in Texas was built in Montgomery. In 1908 it moved into a brick building. The bank only served small farmers. The bank was robbed three times. One time the bank's safe was taken but the robber got no money. To this day there are marks from the robberies. Some of the marks are from gun shots, others are from dynamite explosions.
     The bank manager made a monthly income of $125. The most the bank was ever worth was about $191,000.
     The stock market crashed in 1929, during the great depression. As a factor of that the bank lost a lot of money. The bank was only worth about $18,233.50. In 1934 the bank was voluntarily liquidated.

     The bank is now a Petz-Eatz-Treatz and Boutique. It is owned by Geral and Susan Fauss. The location is 211 Liberty street.

Front of the State Bank

Bullet shots inside the safe

Plack outside

The safe

Olde School House

Not so many years ago
Schools were black and white
Find the Dobbin landmark 
Moved to this new site.

     Wow, I cant believe it I now own a time machine! I will be able to finish my project very quickly.
     My next stop is the Olde School House. I jumped into my time machine and put in the date 1920 when the school was built. The machine started galloping faster and faster until there was a bright flash of light. Again, I found myself back in early Montgomery, in front of the Olde School House.

     It was originally a school for african-american children in the city of, Dobbin. There has been rumors of an old principal haunting the school but no one knows for sure. It was a school until 1965, but closed due to government irrigation regulations. Even after the school closed it remained in Dobbin until 1995 when it was later moved to Montgomery. The school had to be cut in half to be moved. Most of the main  features are still there like the raised stage and the closet-sized library even though half of the 18 large windows had to be rebuilt.

     The School is now an antique shop located off of 105 and currently owned by John "cotton" & Bea Rouse.

Front of the school

Back of the building

Raised stage


community center

Find the center of our hometown
Many markers may be found
Or you could end in jail
Also, there is a goat with a pail
Visit him by the well.

     Today there was a big event going on at the Community Center, it looked like a birthday party. I then started wondering about the past and how this came to be. As soon as I got off my bus I raced home. I put the date 1837 into my time machine. That is the date the Community was founded. My time machine went faster than ever. That must because this was the earliest, that I have ever gone back in time. I did not think I was going to be able to hang on forever. As I was about to fall off I found myself in front of a plain white building, a jail and a community well.

     The Community Center was founded in 1827 by W. W. Shepherd. When he announced the community center, he said,"Tis is where the town of Montgomery site marker is located."

     In 1906, a random goat showed up by the well. No one knew who the goat belonged to or why it showed up. The goat went up to the well and stood there until someone gave him water. There is now a statue of the goat by the well. 
     On April 26, 1987,  Montgomery buried a time capsule. The capsule is not to be opened until April 26, 2037. That marks the 150th anniversary of Montgomery.

The Goat

Town Jail

Nathaniel Hart Davis house

The museum is a clue you gave us
The man who lived there was named Davis
He lingered service and logs he was paid
Two babies are buried near his homestead
Search for the resting place of these young dead.

     The next place I feel like going through is the Nathaniel Hart Davis house. I put in moving date night 1851 that was when Davis' first child died. Then, my time machine started galloping at the speed of a freight train. When I open my eyes, I was standing in front of a wooden white house, and a law office on a big plot of land.

     Nathaniel Hart Davis had two children die not long after birth. Both of them were buried in his yard. The first one died in 1851 the other in 1854. The first child was named, Nathaniel Hart Davis Jr.     The other child was unnamed.

     Nathaniel Davis was a lawyer. He was very well known in Montgomery. He even became mayor. Nathaniel was paid in logs instead of money. That is how he built his first home. Then, he became a judge, and made a lot of money. He later moved into the oaks.  His house is now a museum open to anyone.

Law Office

logs he made his house with.

Shelton Smith House

Before the civil war 
Slaves were people owned
Behind the green rooted two dormer house
You will find the slaves home.

      Everyday I look forward on going on an adventure, but I will look forward to this one the most of all because John E. Shelton was a master craft smith and I love to build things. I put in the date 1855 into my time machine. My mechanical horse started to gallop so fast I thought I was going to barf. When I finally opened my eyes I found myself in front of a brand new beautiful home.

     John E. Shelton was a master craft smith, and slave owner. He had built many houses prior to the one he built for himself. His house was a two dormer house on a bunch of land. The house was surrounded with trees bushes and grass. 
     He built a portion of his house for his friend. He was a leading manufacturer in cigars. Behind his house is the slave quarters.
     In the year 2000 it was purchased and restored. Now it looks just like how it was when it was originally built. 
     The street address is 811 caroline street.   

Old Baptist and Methodist churches

These two sit side by side
And monitor the people
Although different they are the same
Complete with a Steeple.

     Today is Sunday when I go to church. On my way there we passed two churches, a Baptist and Methodist church. In my time machine I put in the date, 1838, into my time machine. That was when the old Methodist church was built. One again my time machine starting galloping at uncontrollable speeds. Half of a second later I found myself in early Montgomery. The church had a semicircle staircase leading up to it. There was also stained glass and a steeple on top. There were so many people lined up outside trying to get in I hope the church can hold them all.

    The old Methodist church was established in 1838, by Isaac Strickland. Isaac Strickland established the church under direction of Elder Littleton Fowler. In the old cemetery next to the church, Four early circuit riders were buried. Two more sanctuaries were built in 1852 and 1908. The church is located at, 309 Pond and now it is a wedding chapel.

     In 1850 the Old Baptist church was built. It was a built by a group of Baptists in Montgomery.  In the year, 1853 the church had it's first full time pastor. His name was, Thomas Chilton. Although the church was always used, construction was never totally done until 1902. It was used as a church for the next 77 years. It is located right next to the Old Methodist church.

Methodist church

Baptist Church

Chilton Dean House

After stealing from Montgomery's best
These robbers tried to avoid arrest
To this house they ran away
Their ghosts might be there to this day
     The next historical marker I feel like going to is the Chilton Dean home. I typed in the date 1854 that was when Thomas Chilton built his first home. My horse galloped faster and faster. Then, what felt like an hour later although it was only a second I found my self in early Montgomery. I was standing in front of a white bricked house. Around that was a white picket fence.

     Thomas Chilton was a Pastor at the old Baptist church. His house was built in 1854 He lived there until he died. In the 1880s David dean purchased the home and he put up a white picket fence around it. He got the wood at his mill. The wood is Heart pine.
     In 1863 a gang called the Jessie James gang were trying to avoid arrest and Bob Oliver, a member of the gang stole a horse from the Cartwrights. they followed the gang to the Chilton deans house that was Bobs mothers home. There they had a shootout. The Cartwrights said they would not shoot him if he came out instead they stabbed him with a Bowie Knife.

The Oaks

As Nathaniel Hart Davis' family grew,
There is one thing he certainly knew.
He entertained many folks
So he decided to build the Oaks.

I guess this time my time machine is going to take me to The Oaks. I typed the year 1869, that was when Nathaniel Hart Davis built his new house, The Oaks. The time machine started to gallop at uncontrollable speeds and before I could say "The Oaks" I was at the Oaks. The Oaks was a beautiful white, wooden mansion, with lots of windows and trees. 

     The Oaks was built by, John Bishop, in 1869. The house was built for the Davis family. Nathaniel was the first lawyer in Montgomery. The house is 4400sqft. It is on a three acre lot. In 1996 the house had a five year restoration. The goal was to bring the house back to its original glory. Judge Davis came to Montgomery from Alabama in1845. The Oaks has been around for 144 years and is located at, 202 Prairie.

The Oaks

Yard to the side of the oaks

sewer in front of The Oaks

Addison Gandy House

Climbing a fence
With a gun
Can give a hole
And not much fun.

     I cant wait for my ninth trip back in time. Every time it is so exciting. I am going to go to the Addison Gandy house. I inputted the date 1892 and the machine started to work it's magic. There was a big explosion and there I was in front of another wooden white house, on a two acre lot.
     The Addison Gandy house was built for Martha Gandy in 1892. It was built by Robert and John Martin. The wood trimming was done by a German painter named, Mr. Patch. He always left a portrait of himself as a signature. The house was given to the Montgomery Historical Society in July,1997.
    It is said that a resident named, Bo Addison, went rabbit hunting and when he was climbing the fence with his gun he shot himself. Somehow, he lived to be 84 years old, which was one of Montgomery's miracles.


Memory park

Take a stroll around a park.
Go in daytime-not after dark.
Sit and share a "Memory"
Their names are there to see.

     I love going to the library and I love getting many books. But, I never have a good place to read the books. Fortunately for me Memory Park is by the library. I put the date June, 2008 into my time machine. That was when the park was built. I started going really fast on my time machine. But, It was not as fast as usual. I am not going back in time very far compared to every other time. Again I landed in early Montgomery. The park was beautiful It felt like a went back in time millions of years ago.

     Memory Park is located behind the library. The park was created by the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe, and other small organizations in Montgomery County. The parks total cost was over $935,000 in donations.

     Memory Park has a few various statues, such as the buffalo or the Honor Flight Eagle dedicated to local Veterans. Many of the plants and animals are dedicated to local family members.

     With everyone's donations contributions the park continues to grow. The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe want to keep it growing and hopefully start phase two of there plans for the park. It is located next to Fenland Park. 


